Sunday, August 10, 2008

It's Time to Go!

It's been a great long 3 seasons, but for this award site it's time to go! There won't ever...EVER be another award season on this site again. I'm done with it to tell you the truth. Because starting right now I'm starting a boycott against all award sites. I won't have one or enter one again.

Because let me ask you this what is the point of an award site? To show you have friends to come vote for your site.

If you need a site like this or another award site to know if your site is good or not, then that's sad. Real sad! If you want to know if your site is good or not then look at your stats people. That is the true thing that shows if your site is good. The number of people coming to your site.

And really why should that even matter why should winning some award even matter? You didn't make the site to win some award. You made the site because you love and support whoever your a fan of. Awards don't matter!

So I'm calling on all sites. Finish up with whatever award site your entered in, and stop. You don't need some award site people. You have your fans, and that's all that should matter.

I wish you all the best. And I would like to thank all of you who entered over the last 3 seasons.
Here are the awards for this season. Award Pick Up

I would like to thank Dee for making the awards they look really awesome!

Again thanks everyone for entering. And I hope you take the advice and stop the award sites!

It's time to go!
